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My paintings are windows to those beautiful experiences, that you want to keep eternal in your heart


I’m Teodora, a self-taught artist, a mother and beauty is something I love unconditionally.

I love to admire life and search for meaning in every experience. 

I think positivity is a powerful vehicle for transformation, 

that we are meant to go through life constantly shaping

ourselves into our best.


Why I Paint

I believe there is underlying beauty in all life experiences, no matter how challenging.

We all experience vulnerability and strength, disappointment and satisfaction, insecurity and confidence. I believe when we go through hardship, we are on a path toward personal growth, to transform and evolve, so we can actually see and appreciate the beauty of life in its entirety. Just as an artist needs all the colours of a palette, all shades of life are needed to lead us to the serendipitous encounter with beauty.
To me, the experience of beauty is as spiritual as it is sensory. I seek it in everything, from sights to sounds to concepts to feelings.

It is my purpose to ignite people to see the unnoticed beauty of life so they can live a life full of beauty.

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What I Wish for the World

My greatest dream is for all people to live their best lives by finding inner fulfilment during this wonderful journey we call life.

In this day and age, our lifestyles are busier than ever, but despite our busy social calendars, we may end up feeling empty inside. When you live from the outside in, you let societal norms and expectations decide what it is that is supposed to make you feel fulfilled or not. But when you live from the inside out, from your essential self, from a place of your dreams, your soul and who you are, true beauty and fulfilment can be experienced as qualities that can accompany you through life.
Through my vibrant works, I bring joy, positivity and a sense of beauty for your soul. My paintings are windows to those beautiful experiences that you want to keep eternal in your heart.
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My Story

My roots are Bulgarian. I was born in the city of Sofia, and I’ve lived in London since 2009.  My passion for art began in my childhood. 

I owe my artistic genes to my mother, who is an artist herself. I grew up surrounded by colours, paint, the smell of turpentine, laughter and many happy vibes. 

What shaped me most is that my family and I lived in a few European countries throughout my childhood, which made me naturally curious about life.


I always dreamt about a career in the arts, but sometimes, to quote John Lennon, “life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans”, and I ended up with a marketing degree, a Business degree, and spent over 17 years building an advertising career. While working with ideas kept me in touch with my love for creativity, I always felt something was missing. An optimist by nature, I had an inner longing to express something truly beautiful that words fell short of describing.


In 2016, life blessed me with the extraordinary gift of motherhood, but it also challenged me to go through unexpected circumstances that took me on a journey of bravery, unconditional giving and self-rediscovery. Being a full-time mum,  inspired me to explore everything I carry deep inside.

Motherhood made me see the profound beauty of the world in its purest, through the eyes of my little girl, which in turn awoken the little girl in me.

It made me realise that even in the hard, unexpected twists and turns of life, there is a hidden wisdom in our souls and we have everything we need to feel happy and fulfilled.

It was my path to re-connect with what I was meant to be doing - my art, to let go of what does not serve me anymore and move forward living a purpose-filled life.


“The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes”
– Frank Lloyd Wright


My Process

I paint from my soul. My paintings are guided by intuition. I’m self-taught, and my process is spontaneous.

I work with acrylic paints and various mediums. When I start, I like to take a moment to contemplate the white canvas, to feel the presence of the moment, until I feel the concept, the theme or the colour palette I want to explore. I then let go and let the painting and intuition guide me completely. There is no specific order I follow. Every painting has its own unique process, and I use different media and techniques.
That is the main reason I love to paint abstracts, because they give me boundless freedom for expression and a sense of serendipity.

What appears on the canvas is an internal language that speaks of feelings and concepts on my ongoing search for the life truths that will set us free to be who we are and live our best possible lives.
My inspiration comes from the positivity, beauty found in everyday life, nature, my own life experience and the idea that we evolve through the challenges and joys of life.

Using colour as language, my artworks are vivid, full of life, emotion and luscious layers of colour.

Just like human lives, each painting is filled with layer upon layer of paint, leaving behind an abundance of unique stories.
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